Ultra-Blend™ plus


Ultra-Blend plus liner is a light-activated, radiopaque material with calcium hydroxide in a urethane dimethacrylate (UDMA) base. It’s perfect for pulp capping and will not dissolve over time. Ultra-Blend plus liner is highly filled for minimal shrinkage.

  • Bioactive1 liner and pulp-capping material
  • Superior calcium release2
  • Light curable
  • Controlled, precise syringe delivery
  • No mixing necessary
  • Will not dissolve over time
  • Radiopaque
  • Highly filled
  • Use to cover MTAFlow for pulp capping prior to restoration

  1. Pameijer CH, Stanley HR, Norval G. Pulp capping with a new adhesive light cured calcium hydroxide formula [AADR abstract 757]. J Dent Res. 1998;77(suppl 1):200.
  2. Data on file.